Microblaze interrupt controller. This single is the problem.
Microblaze interrupt controller 1 Product Guide 6 PG099 July 15, 2021 www. The interrupt vector is located at address 0x10-0x14 I looked more into the AXI interrupt controller IP (Xilinx PG099) and learned that by default level detection is used, which might be the reason the ISR is occurring multiple times, though supposedly the interrupt handler In this example, we create an interrupt every second and print to the serial port a message upon interrupt. Break. Here is a block diagram of my system: I got 3 interrupt connection with concat wiring and bus going to interrupt controller. The interrupt source is from GPIO and In this brief demo we will discuss how to write your interrupt handler to support nested interrupts on the Microblaze. Having read other posts I figured out that it's immpossible to connect new vesion of Microblaze IP(i mean 8. The timer counter could * be directly connected to a processor without an interrupt controller. ° Resets the interrupt after acknowledge. Design Files The design files for this demo can be downloaded here: nested_int_ex. 6. The vector ID you can find in xparameters. When the MicroBlaze * processor starts up, interrupts are disabled. The Xilinx BSP library functions that have similar functionality must not be used . 20. 40), I cannot connect those two ports using Ports tab of System Assembly View, there is no connection option The LogiCORE™ MicroBlaze™ Micro Controller System (MCS) is a complete standalone processor system intended for controller applications. My question is: And I guess problem reason is Interrupt Controller only vector to Priority Highest Interrupt. I am using the interrupt controller in I/O Module and testing MicroBlaze Fast (Low-latency) Interrupt. h>; static XGpio PushBt; static XGpio sw; static XIntc myIntc; int delay, limit=3000000; void 三、按键中断. Regards, Howard I created a custom IP and send a interrupt to microblaze by directly connecting the out pin of IP to interrupt pin of microblaze. Parts of the block design are constructed using the Platform Board Flow feature. com April 2002 1-800-255-7778 MicroBlaze Software Reference Guide R Software Specification This design contains a timer which provides a 1ms signal through an AXI interrupt controller to the Microblaze. Feature Summary Interrupt conditions are Hello, In my current microblaze design I am using a AXI_GPIO to send an interrupt to the microblaze controller. The LogiCORE™ IP AXI Interrupt Controller (AXI INTC) core concentrates multiple interrupt inputs from peripheral devices to a single interrupt output to the system processor. Select the PS-PL Configuration tab. 2 But I had to modify base address of mig_7series_0_memaddr to 0x2000_0000 from default Hi, I made it work in normal mode, concat receiving 2 sources (timer and gpio), and going into the interrupt controller. Interrupt Controller, UART, Fixed Interval Timers, MicroBlaze Processor : AXI Timer or TTC IP from PS block interrupting to the MicroBlaze (via AXI interrupt controller) FreeRTOS Application Creation and Customization. 0 6 PG116 December 20, 2017 www. The relative priority starting with the highest is: 1. align 4 _interrupt_handler: portSAVE_CONTEXT /* Stack the return address. 3 to build a MB system with PLBv4. Microblaze is set to Fast Interrupt mode too in the Block Design. 1 and I am try to port the design to the microblaze so that we can move to a pure FPGA solution. The following section describes the execution flow associated with each of these events. Here, there is a _profile_timer_hw. Clocking Wizard Standalone driver • Axi EMC driver • Xilinx MicroBlaze Processor • Flexible 32-bit RISC processor • Three quickly-deployable preset configurations to meet microcontroller, real-time, and application processor • Interrupt Controller • Timer Real-Time Processor Preset(up to 200DMIPs) • All Microcontroller Preset blocks • Instruction Cache • Memory Protection Unit Hi, I have a source code which simulates interrupt controller to generate interrupt by writing interrupt status (ISR) register of GPIO. Dear colleagues, I have created a Microblaze design from scratch, which shall be interrupted by an AXI-GPIO. I want to have Interrupt to generate on CONTROL pin (axi_gpio_0). com A few more things to try: 1. Hope you guys find this blog helpful and helps you get a flavor on how interrupts are handled by a processor with the help of I'm working on updating a microblaze based design in Vivado 2015. Most interrupt signal from the peripherals available in the Vivado IP Integrator have a different polarity with respect to the Lab 5: Interrupt Driven MicroBlaze System. 40), I cannot connect those two ports using Ports tab of System Assembly View, there is no connection option except external Microblaze is running on 83. I have a simple processor system on KC-705 board with Microblaze, AXI Timer, AXI GPIO and AXI Interrupt Controler. */ ori r5, r0, configINTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_TO_USE /* Execute any Interrupt Controller Driver. The LogiCORE™ MicroBlaze™ Micro Controller System (MCS) is a complete standalone processor system intended for controller applications. MicroBlaze MCS v3. First, we create a block diagram. I used microblaze mcs and checkmarked enable external interrupts as level sensitive positive edge and asynchronous. I connnected 0th bit (of INTR port on interrupt controller using concat)to the gpio interrupt and 1st bit to the timer Hiii goran, You are saying that the intc driver does context saving, But In xintc_intr. 90 JTAG UART Driver MicroBlaze Interrupt Routines. Reset. 1 IP to the PL. Interrupt * - API to Enable Interrupts: void microblaze_enable_interrupts(void) * * This API Enables interrupts on the MicroBlaze processor. I was able to build the image without errors. Check that the I am running Vitis 2020. c. a PARAMETER Next, in the canvas, if I double-click on the interface of the interrupt at the output of the interrupt controller, the interrupt is shown as Sensitivity(auto) = "LEVEL_HIGH" with a shaded grey area, and the same on the Microblaze interrupt interface input port. AXI block RAM. Basic Diagram. You signed out in another tab or window. as your clock is an external interrupt to INTC controller, you need to define the IRQ and other steps. For interrupt control, I added XPS interrupt controller (v2. text . A base system will be built that utilizes an interrupt controller to allow for multiple interrupt sources along with a set of interrupt sources. I implemented the microblaze rising edge interrupt using the example file xgpio_intr_example. */ xil_exceptionenable(); This is what hooks the interrupt line on the microblaze to the interrupt handler and turns it on. 5us high and 47. The AXI interrupt controller is not mean to to be used with Zynq designs. When an interrupt is triggered, the exception handling code in the BSP calls the first level interrupt handler (XIntc_InterruptHandler) in interrupt controller's driver. The hw block was implemented using HLS with the following interface definition: #define dim 2 ; float dummy_algorithm (float const pX [dim], float const pY, bool const pPredict, bool const pReset) {DO_PRAGMA (HLS INTERFACE s_axilite port = pX Hi, I made it work in normal mode, concat receiving 2 sources (timer and gpio), and going into the interrupt controller. This code works perfectly fine when I use "LEVEL" interrupt on microblaze. Core Generator Using Fast Interrupt mode with microblazePosted by almomo1 on November 29, 2018Hi! I’m developing a real-time project with FreeRTOS and Microblaze; the design has to serve a lot of interrupts as fast as possible, so I enabled “Fast Interrupt Mode” on Xilinx Interrupt Controller (XIntc). AXI Iterrupt controller parameters: C_IRQ_IS_LEVEL = 0 and C_IRQ_ACTIVE = 1. Hi, I try to create design with microblaze on ZYNQ 7020 on Vivado/SDK 2015. An INTC interrupt controller is used. xilinx. I think 5us is too long because according the MicroBlaze Processor Reference Guide Embedded Development Kit EDK 14. Hi, I have used the example design for generating a UART interrupt to Microblaze. vPortEnableInterrupt calls XIntcEnable without calling portENTERCRITICAL. * register the interrupt controller handler with the exception table. Now, I have the problem that the interrupt never occurred. Within XIntc_Enable, there is a read-modify The AXI interconnect connects the MicroBlaze to the interrupt controller, interrupt requester, and external interface. . The hardware is created using Vivado 2018. It is possible to change I designed this after reading a lot on some popular interrupt controller architectures out there like NVIC, 8259a, RISC-V PLIC, Microblaze's INTC etc. The Hey, I have problems setting up the interrupts for a hardware block I implemented. Reload to refresh your session. [MicroBlaze] Multi Interrupt Problem. Hey, I have problems setting up the interrupts for a hardware block I implemented. Our aim is to send a interrupt when the calculation in IP is over and run a ISR which displays the calculated value on terminal. Non-maskable Break. This is part of the C run-time library and contains a jump to the default interrupt handler (_interrupt_handler). 3. Hardware Exception. For interrupts, MicroBlaze supports only one external interrupt source (connecting to the Interrupt input port). Here the code but do not work. 5. So i think the problem is with interrupt controller. 108. // Start the interrupt controller such that interrupts are enabled for // all devices that cause interrupts, XIN_SIMULATION_MODE or XIN_REAL_MODE; MicroBlaze supports reset, interrupt, user exception, break, and hardware exceptions. . c source file, they have mentioned like "the driver assumes that the context of the processor has been saved prior to the calling of the Interrupt Controller interrupt handler The answer was more general for users using the xps interrupt controller on the Microblaze 8. AXI INTC v4. Stephen. h> #include<xgpio. 1, and source the TCL script below from the TCL console in Vivado: Start typing 'MicroBlaze' in the search box at the top of the menu that pops up when you click the '+' button, and you'll see it filter down to the MicroBlaze IP blocks. This change is desired because the input to the MicroBlaze interrupt is set at level senstive acting on level high, and we need to match the senstivity of the output of the interrupt controller to the input of the microblaze since they are wired together. 2. 4. 333MHz clock which is generated from Mig7 on ui_clk pin. XPS gives: You signed in with another tab or window. 02. Enable the PS AXI HPM LPD AXI interface: Double-click the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC IP block. c which will register and setup the interrupt handler on the timer: Right Click on the application and select C/C++ Build Settings: Enable Profiling: Ok, then Exit. The goal of these labs is to become familiar with the idea of interrupt-based processing techniques using the MicroBlaze processor. Expand Post. The AXI interrupt controller that was referenced on the wiki page is used with MicroBlaze so it has a lot of past use, but not connected to the ARM GIC as an extended interrupt controller. 4. e. com Table of Contents IP Facts Chapter1:Overview ° Interrupt Controller using fast interrupt mode I have been trying to get the microblaze soft core to respond to the interrupts generated by the peripherals. Is this the way to proceed? CPU is the microblaze code from Xilinx. Interrupt is periodically generated from the PIT (Programmable Interval Timer) in I/O Module. I tried to use axi interrupt controller. The XPS part of the task seems fairly trivial. This A Spartan 3E-1600 development board will be used to test Button Interrupt. So, I have to prepare what function or lib to implement fast interrupt handle in my project. Enable AXI HPM0 LPD, expand it, and set the AXI HPM0 LPD Data Width drop-down to 32 bits. Now we have connected the my_timer IRQ signal to the interrupt controller, and the interrupt controller’s IRQ signal to the IRQ input of the Microblaze. Now i want to change to FAST mode, so i changed both the microblaze and the interrupt controller to fast mode, run connection automat, and it hooked up the clock and the reset to the interrupt controller. (The process was also explained in detail in PG099). The IO_Module only supports edge level on the interrupt to MicroBlaze. Connect interrupt signals. I found the example code and comments for the Interrupt Controller to be entirely sufficient to achieve my aims. C programming In order to understand how interrupts are handled I want to have Interrupt to generate on CONTROL pin (axi_gpio_0). 01a) to the system and connected my custom core's interrupt ports to INTC via master bus. Drag from the board into the diagram "system On interrupts, the MicroBlaze processor jumps to address location 0x10. h also have exactly the same differences, i. I will stop and start my timer at the time of gpio interruppt. 5us low in each one of the 4 inputs (one at a time) of the "axi_gpio_0_GPIO_I_pin" signal, so, the interrupt routine (see helloword. Modify the Software Application Hi, I have a simple microblaze with two Gpio (Push button and switches) I want manage both devices interrupt. I started with the timer but have since moved simpler to the uart. 0 2 PG116 December 20, 2017 www. 1 (page 69) when using edge-sensitive interrupts, MicroBlaze detects and latches For interrupt control, I added XPS interrupt controller (v2. I have tried this with the same PL but with the * Start the interrupt controller such that interrupts are enabled for * all devices that cause interrupts, specific real mode so that * the timer counter can cause interrupts through the Using Fast Interrupt mode with microblazePosted by almomo1 on November 29, 2018Hi! I’m developing a real-time project with FreeRTOS and Microblaze; the design has to serve a lot of interrupts as fast as possible, so I enabled “Fast Interrupt Mode” on Xilinx Interrupt Controller (XIntc). I've implemented a bit of my design using a normal interrupt but it doesn't really run quickly enough, so I am trying the fast instead. it was to explain that the interrupt is connected as a bus on the Microblaze as apposed to a single. 1 wich uses AXI Interrupt Controller with this configuration: Interrupt Type: Edge Interrupt Edge Type: Rising Enable Fast Interrupt Logic: Enabled Enable Set Interrupt Enable Register: Disabled Enable Clear Interrupt Enable Register: Disabled Enable Interrupt Vector Click the "+" sign (1) by the MicroBlaze to connect the Roll Signal(2) to the MicroBlaze Interrupt input (3) directly instead of going through the interrupt controller. Microblaze is set to Fast Interrupt mode too in the [] For interrupt control, I added XPS interrupt controller (v2. It is highly integrated and includes the MicroBlaze processor, local memory for program and data storage as well as a tightly coupled IO module implementing a standard set of peripherals. /* The instance of the Interrupt Controller */ /* * The following variables are shared between non-interrupt processing and * interrupt processing such that they must be global. Interrupts must be explicitly * turned on using this function. The following functions are provided for installing, enabling and disabling interrupts (in the interrupt controller) respectively. Microblaze is set to Fast Interrupt mode too in the [] Hi all. I think I can help but not with the information you have provided. The Vivado block diagram looks as in the picture below: Block diagram The problem with this design is, that the interrupt service routine, which start at address 0x00000010 is not called, when an interrupt occurs. The An Interrupt Controller is a component that gathers hardware interrupt events from various sources and presents them to the processor, allowing for efficient handling of real-time events without the need for constant polling by the processor. The design grows the number of required interrupts to 38 (above 32). If I don't reprogram the hardware design first every time I get this error: In this wiki we will demonstrate how to create a non-maskable break (high priority interrupt) on the Microblaze using the Ext_NM_Brk port to jump directly to the interrupt handler. From reading the post, I thought this was the case. You switched accounts on another tab or window. This section describes procedures to create FreeRTOS template applications and customization of kernel configuration using the Vitis Unified Software Platform. 1, and uses an AXI Timer to generate the interrupt. Note: Since the profiling uses the interrupt controller. hgleamon1 (Member) 12 years ago. The XPS interrupt controller (xps_intc) has an interrupt output ("interrupt" IRQ output port) that is level sensitive (active high or low). Why not just connect the the UART lite interrupt to the Zynq interrupt port? MicroBlaze Micro Controller System • An entire pre-built system can be developed in ISE using the mcscore generator • No need for XPS • Quick and Easy • Limited Options and Peripheral. “Fast Interrupt Mode” is a low-latency interrupt Interrupt Enable/Disable in Microblaze PortPosted by neilabc on November 24, 2017Hi, I’m using the FreeRTOS 8. The Interrupt Requester sends interrupt requests to the Zynq Processing System. */ swi r14, r1, portR14_OFFSET /* Switch to the ISR stack. com Chapter 1: Overview ° Checks for enable conditions in control registers (MER and IER) for interrupt generation. The interrupt sources will include a timer as well as a Hi all, I am using the S3E500 starter kit and EDK 14. This works fine as long as I reprogram the hardware design every single time I launch the debugger. 2. But I don’t have an axi bus. h file in your BSP. 2 for blockDigram is as shown: Address_map in Vivado 2018. External DDR3 connected is of 128MB in size. If multiple interrupts are needed, an interrupt controller must be used to handle multiple interrupt requests to MicroBlaze. This completes our hardware connections for interrupt capability. Like Liked Unlike Reply. * system may or may not have an interrupt controller. There are two more ports for the interrupt interface. However, this code stops working as soon as I change the interrupt controller from "LEVEL" to "EDGE". 6) Click and drag pencil to make connections from the interrupt port to an input port on the Concat block, as shown in the following example: 7) Make the connections from the Concat bus output to the AXI interrupt controller interrupt input port. */ lwi r1, r0, pulISRStack /* The parameter to the interrupt handler. ° Writes the vector address of the active interrupt in IVR register and enables the IPR register for pending interrupts. The Arm MPCore in the Zynq already incorporates a powerful GIC. I am having a problem servicing Multi interrupts to the Microblaze, only the highest priority interrupt is being acted, both interrupts have been given top priority and each works correctly. Anyone out there had success using fast interrupts in microblaze. The MicroBlaze system includes native Xilinx® IP including: MicroBlaze processor. Hi, Attached is the design I implemented for simulation. It is possible to generate interrupts through software by writing the interrupt controller's Interrupt Status register. It only has a single In this tutorial, you will create a simple AMD soft-processor system for a Spartan-7 FPGA using AMD Vivado™ IP integrator. */ xil_exceptionregisterhandler(xil_exception_id_int, (xil_exceptionhandler) intc_handler, intcinstanceptr); /* * enable non-critical exceptions. But we we don't know what, if any, Petalinux MIcroblaze - Xintc Interrupt controller failing to reset. h> #include<xil_exception. c file) reads the "axi_gpio_0_GPIO_I_pin" value and write it to the ° Interrupt Controller using fast interrupt mode Figure 1-1: MicroBlaze Micro Controller System ILMB MicroBlaze Local Memory Bus LMB BRAM Interface Controller Block RAM (Dual Port) DLMB Local Memory Bus LMB BRAM Interface Controller I/O Module MicroBlaze Debug Optional Feature Send Feedback. This single is the problem. The target is first configured to have MicroBlaze MCU available. I enabled the interrupt setting inside the microblaze processor and connected the AXI_GPIOs interrupt (ip2intc_irpt) directly to the microblazes Interrupt port. The use-case here would be for time critical control systems. Hello, I'm using the microblaze AXI Xintc interrupt controller to manage a timer that blinks an LED. xparameters. There is a TCL script The uC/OS BSP supports the AXI Interrupt Controller to provide a MicroBlaze system with multiple independent interrupt lines. 5. I’m concerned that a context switch at the wrong time could cause an interrupt enable or disable to be lost. However, as I need to connect IRQ output of INTC to Interrupt input of In this tutorial, you create a simple MicroBlaze™ system for a Spartan®-7 FPGA using Vivado® IP integrator. Is it obligatiory for even 1 interrupt source, to connect the Interrupt signal first to an Interrupt Controller and then the Interrupt Controller to the Interrupt Port of the Microblaze? As for the Interrupt Controller, I see that I can add either the "XPS Interrupt Controller" or This connects the interrupt controller IRQ signal to the IRQ input of the Microblaze. It is highly integrated and Using the parameter C_FITx_INTERRUPT, the FIT can be connected to the Interrupt Controller of the IO Mod-ule and used for generating interrupts every time the strobe occurs. If you run the simulation at testbench level by 500us you can see that there is an interrupt pulse that lasts 2. The biggest stumbling block right off is that it's not setup as an irqchip driver So, we would like to add a AXI Interrupt Controller v4. h> #include<xintc. x www. But if generate interrupt controller separately, this box will not be activated. I've selected level IRQ When generate Microblaze and interrupt controller together, the "Enable Fast Interrupt Logic" will be clicked. When i did the concat [0] this code working very well however i try to init timer int, uart int, gpio int doest work multiple. 1、系统框图。 系统框图中,按键 KEY 作为 AXI GPIO 的输入, LED 作为 AXI GPIO 的输出。当 AXI GPIO 检测到按键状态发生变化时, AXI GPIO 就会产生一个中断信号传入中断控制器(AXI Interrupt Controller),中断控制器生成中断输出信号,传入 MicroBlaze 处理器, MicroBlaze 处理器通过接收到的中断 MicroBlaze Micro Controller System v3. The one just titled 'MicroBlaze' is the CPU IP block. However, when importing the HW and generating the BSP, specifically the FreeRTOSConfig. Click OK to close the window. Yes, I understood your point. Hi everybody, I have some problem about low-latency interrupt mode in MicroBlaze. Double Data Rate 3 (DDR3) memory almomo1 wrote on Thursday, November 29, 2018: Hi! I’m developing a real-time project with FreeRTOS and Microblaze; the design has to serve a lot of interrupts as fast as possible, so I enabled “Fast Interrupt Mode” on Xilinx Interrupt Controller (XIntc). Features • MicroBlazeProcessor • Local Memory • Debug Module • Peripherals – IO Bus – Interrupt Controller – UART – Timers (Fixed and Programmable) – General Purpose Inputs Use PS HPM LPD AXI to control the AXI interface of the GPIO and timer. Interrupt and Reset: Vector Base Address is 0x0000_0000 and Interrupt Controller settings are as follows: Interrupt_Controller The address map in Vivado 2018. * * @param None. GPIO and Timer. This lab also shows MicroBlaze Micro Controller System • An entire pre-built system can be developed in ISE using the mcscore generator • MicroBlazeProcessor • Local Memory • Debug Module • Peripherals – IO Bus – Interrupt Controller – UART – Timers (Fixed and Programmable) – General Purpose Inputs and Outputs. I This connects the interrupt controller IRQ signal to the IRQ input of the Microblaze. c) to interrupt controller using EDK GUI so i did it manually by editing mhs file of my project: BEGIN xps_timer PARAMETER INSTANCE = spi_ctl_rxtx_timer PARAMETER HW_VER = 1. */ **BEST SOLUTION** It seems that I have managed to connect the dvld_out output of my IP to the Input of the AXI GPIO (strange that XPS didn't show me, the previous days, the pop-up window that enables you to connect various outputs to the Input of the AXI GPIO). If I don't reprogram the hardware design first every time I get this error: I unfortunately have no idea what this means. Some help to fix please: #include<xparameters. An interrupt controller is available for use with the Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) software tools. Could Hi fellow Xilinx users. * * @return - XST_SUCCESS to indicate success. I have given a small print as an indication that the processor has entered the Receive Handler. 0 LogiCORE IP Product Guide Vivado Design Suite PG116 December 20, 2017. * in MicroBlaze and Intc controller. The interrupt controller can be left out, in which case the interrupt handling code acts as one source controller. The Interrupt Controller is the interface for other communication or behavioral controllers connected to the MicroBlaze Processor. So I implemented a cascaded interrupt controller design as seen in the attached file. If i don't use XPS_INTC of Xilinx, I use my interrupt controller. h file I get the following error: There is an AXI timer and interrupt controller in our PL but this does not check for that. Furthermore, I inserted the IP2INTC_Irpt of the AXI GPIO to the Intrerrupt ipnut (Intr) of the AXI Interrupt Controller. The hw block was implemented using HLS with the following interface definition: // Actual code Now I want The MicroBlaze is a three stage pipeline machine - interrupts will need to flush the pipe before proceeding. port connection. 8) Note that the 1-bit bus width of the interrupt signal on the Interrupt Controller block does not I have run a proprietary interrupt on a MicroBlaze in a PLB system using the Interrupt Controller and custom IP. To build the hardware, launch Vivado 2018. MicroBlaze™ Micro Controller System (MCS) is a complete standalone processor system intended for controller applications. But in the system assembly view, only SPLB of INTC is displayed, so I can't connect the Irq output to the processor, and the INTERRUPT port of processor can't be connected to any port. I'm using the microblaze AXI Xintc interrupt controller to manage a timer that blinks an LED. 3 port for the microblaze. Interrupt and Reset: Vector Base Address is 0x0000_0000 and Interrupt Controller settings are as follows: Interrupt_Controller Connections between devices and interrupt controller actually use interrupt lines on the bus rather than dedicated wires Interrupt Request (IRQ) When an IRQ is asserted MP stops doing what it was doing (executing instructions) Completes execution of the instruction that is executing flush the instructions currently pending execution Create new stack frame (after any required The answer was more general for users using the xps interrupt controller on the Microblaze 8. After I disable "Enable Fast Interrupt Logic" in interrupt controller, the interrupt can be caught. However, as I need to connect IRQ output of INTC to Interrupt input of Microblaze (v8. AXI Interrupt Controller,为中断控制器IP,能将外围的多个中断输入,集中到单个中断输出,再将中断传输给系统处理器。 将 AXI Interrupt Controller 的输出信号“interrupt”接口与 MicroBlaze 的“INTERRUPT”接口相连,将新添加的 AXI GPIO 的“ip2intc_irpt”接口与 AXI Interrupt Controller 的 intr[0:0]接口相连。 Porting embeddedsw components to system device tree (SDT) based flow. This tutorial uses the new AMD MicroBlaze™ V soft-core RISC-V processor. So I relied upon the output tick signal from the custom module as input to my intrerrupt. The MicroBlaze soft-core has a very simple interrupt management scheme. I was able to get the interrupt but ISR routine is running infinitely and not returning to main() Can you please help with how to stop This change is desired because the input to the MicroBlaze interrupt is set at level senstive acting on level high, and we need to match the senstivity of the output of the interrupt controller to the input of the microblaze since they are wired together. Example, i see some funtion in XPS_INTC of Xilinx The interrupt output from axi_intc_0 is a completely different type to what the Zynq IRQ_F2P[] input expects. zip Hardware Here two AXI timers are used to generated the interrupts. Now we have connected the my_timer IRQ signal to the interrupt controller, and the interrupt controller’s IRQ signal to the IRQ input of the Figure 8-2: MicroBlaze Processor Interrupt Block Design for this Lab The application program performs the following regarding the interrupt: Initializes the processor interrupts Initializes the interrupt controller Registers the interrupt controller interrupt service routine (ISR) with the processor interrupt data structure Registers the timer How to set up interrupt controller on microblaze. You just hook it up as before with "Include Fast interrupt logic" selected in the Intc block. global _interrupt_handler bunch more unreleated code here . * * <pre> * Hello all, I want to a create a microblaze design with AXI Timer interrupt, AXI Dma interrupt and GPIO Interrupt driven by virtex-7 FPGA core. C_EDGE_IS_POSITIVE cannot be changed in Vivado. waagkagdgpkpbpezwzwlwlxswwbunljxviqqmosrcfkxbjwwgp